Further Reading

Hibakusha Stories: Meet Setsuko Thurlow Visualizing Cultures: Ground Zero 1945 by John Dower (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Hiroshima Nagasaki Day Coalition (HNDC) Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) Don't Bank on the Bomb Democracy Collaborative: Gar Alperovitz Nuclear Famine: Two Billion People at Risk? (Physicians for Social Responsibility)

Canada and the Atom Bomb

Anker, Peder. “A History of Uranium Mining in Canada,” JAm It! 8 (2023). https://pederanker.com/2023/06/12/a-history-of-uranium-mining-in-canada/

Avery, Donald. The Science of War: Canadian Scientists and Allied Military Technology During the Second World War. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998.

Bird, Geoffrey. “Legacy of Canada’s role in atomic bomb is felt by northern Indigenous community,” The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/legacy-of-canadas-role-in-atomic-bomb-is-felt-by-northern-indigenous-community-143524

Bird, Geoffrey. A Moral Awakening. Royal Roads University, 2020. Film Premiere: A Moral Awakening

Blondin, George. When the World Was New: Stories of the Sahtu Dene. Yellowknife: Outcrop, 1990.

Blow, Peter. A Village of Widows: The Story of the Sahtu Dene and the Atomic Bomb.  Lindum Films, 1999. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSReqj1JX-c&t=8s

Bothwell, Robert. Eldorado: Canada’s National Uranium Company. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1984.

Bothwell, Robert. “Foreword,” The Nuclear North: Histories of Canada in the Atomic Age. Susan Colbourn and Timothy Andrews Sayle, eds. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2020.

Fleck, Kelly. “Hiroshima 75 Years Later: An Interview With Survivor Setsuko Thurlow,” Nikkei Voice, July 29, 2020. http://nikkeivoice.ca/hiroshima-75-years-later-an-interview-with-survivor-setsuko-thurlow/

Groves. Leslie R. Now It Can Be Told: The Story of the Manhattan Project. New York: Harper and Row, 1962.

Henningson, David. Somba Ke: The Money Place. Urgent Service Films, 2007.

Howard, Sean. “Canada’s Uranium Highway: Victims and Perpetrators,” Cape Breton Spectator, August 7, 2019. https://capebretonspectator.com/2019/08/07/canadas-uranium-dene-bomb/

ICAN. “Poll: 74% of Canadians support joining the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.” April 8, 2021. https://www.icanw.org/poll_74_of_canadians_support_joining_the_un_treaty_on_the_prohibition_of_nuclear_weapons

ICAN. “Setsuko Thurlow Boosts Campaign to Acknowledge Canada’s Role in Atomic Bomb Development,” July 27, 2020. https://www.icanw.org/setsuko_thurlow_boosts_campaign_to_acknowledge_canada_role_in_atomic_bomb_development

Laurence, George C. Early Years of Nuclear Energy Research in Canada. Chalk River, Ontario: AECL Research, 1991.

McKay, Paul. Atomic Accomplice: How Canada Deals in Deadly Deceit. Ottawa: Author, 2009.

Mugyenyi, Bianca and Setsuko Thurlow. “It’s a landmark day for nuclear disarmament, but an awkward one for the federal government,” CBC News, January 22, 2021. https://www.cbc.ca/news/opinion/opinion-tpnw-treaty-canada-1.5882158

Nikiforuk, Andrew. “Cancer Kills Fourteen Aboriginal Uranium Workers” and “Uranium Haunts a Northern Aboriginal Village,” Calgary Herald, March 14, 1998, pp. 1 and 4 accessed at http://www.ccnr.org/deline_deaths.html

Rich, Motoko. “For Hiroshima survivor, day of horror led to lifelong peace mission,” Toronto Star, August 6, 2020. https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2020/08/06/for-hiroshima-survivor-day-of-horror-led-to-lifelong-peace-mission.html

Rich, Motoko. “Witnessing Nuclear Carnage, Then Devoting Her Life to Peace,” New York Times, August 6, 2020.  https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/06/world/asia/hiroshima-japan-setsuko-thurlow.html

Sabourin, Gilles. Montreal and the Bomb. Montreal: Baraka Books, 2021.

Simons Foundation Canada. “Nanos Poll Finds Strong Nuclear Weapons Concerns.” April 7, 2021. https://www.thesimonsfoundation.ca/highlights/new-nanos-poll-finds-strong-nuclear-weapons-concerns

Strickler, Susan and Mitchie Takeuchi. The Vow From Hiroshima. Bullfrog Films, 2019.

Swan, Michael. “Hiroshima survivor Setsuko Thurlow keeps fighting spirit,” Catholic Register, July 30, 2020. https://www.catholicregister.org/features/featureseries/item/31935-hiroshima-survivor-keeps-fighting-spirit

Thurlow, Setsuko. “Appel de Mme Setsuko Thurlow au Premier ministre,” Les Artistes pour la Paix, 27 juillet, 2020. http://www.artistespourlapaix.org/?p=19078  

Thurlow, Setsuko. “Canada must acknowledge our key role in developing the deadly atomic bomb,” Globe and Mail, August 1, 2020. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-canada-must-acknowledge-our-key-role-in-developing-the-deadly-atomic/ and The Canadian Pugwash Group https://pugwashgroup.ca/canada-must-acknowledge-our-key-role-in-developing-the-deadly-atomic-bomb/

Thurlow, Setsuko. “Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech,” Nuclear Peace Foundation, December 10, 2017. https://www.wagingpeace.org/setsuko-thurlow-nobel-peace-prize-acceptance-speech/

Thurlow, Setsuko. “A Silent Flash of Light,” Saturday Night, August 1985.

Toth, Katie. “Spectre of atomic bomb still looms over N.W.T. community 75 years after Hiroshima: Deline is haunted by its connection to the Manhattan Project and the creation of the nuclear bomb,” CBC News, August 5, 2020. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/hiroshima-bombing-apology-nwt-community-waits-1.5673591

van Wyck, Peter. The Highway of the Atom. Montreal and Kingston: Mc-Gill-Queen’s University Press, 2010.

Verzuh, Ron. Codename Project 9: How a Small British Columbia City Helped Create the Atom Bomb. Canada: Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2018.

Wagner, Anton. “Canada and the Atom Bomb,” Hiroshima Nagasaki Day Coalition, 2020. Pedro y Fidel: Letter of Intent (hiroshimadaycoalition.ca)

Wagner, Anton. Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Anton Wagner Productions, 2000. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhcuovVTNgQ

Wagner, Anton. “How safe is Toronto from nuclear Weapons?” NowToronto, August 1, 2017. https://nowtoronto.com/news/how-safe-is-toronto-from-nuclear-weapons/

Wagner, Anton. “Mackenzie King and the Birth of the Atom Bomb” in his The Spiritualist Prime Minister: Mackenzie King and His Mediums. Guildford, Surrey: White Crow Books, 2024.

Wagner, Anton. “Mackenzie King Opens the Atomic Pandora’s Box,” Nikkei Voice, September 24, 2020. http://nikkeivoice.ca/mackenzie-king-opens-the-atomic-pandoras-box/

Wagner, Anton. Our Hiroshima. Anton Wagner Productions, 1995. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnLk8eczE34

Wagner, Anton. Save the Peace Garden. Anton Wagner Productions, 2007. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XP8ChxvT7Vg&t=94s

Wagner, Anton. Veterans Against Nuclear War. Anton Wagner Productions, 2006. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2av1OeF_x4

Wagner, Anton. “Victory Against Nuclear Weapons in Toronto,” Nikkei Voice, May 9, 2018. Victory against nuclear weapons in Toronto ‹ Nikkei Voice | The Japanese Canadian National Newspaper

Whitaker, Reginald, and Steve Hewitt. Canada and the Cold War. Toronto: James Lorimer, 2003.

Wohlberg, Meagan. “Prophet Ayah: Nostradamus of the North,” Edge North, January 22, 2016. https://edgenorth.ca/article/prophet-ayah-nostradamus-of-the-north